Methodology of assessment of acquired knowledge

Conflict of interest provisions

Provisions on assessment of continuous professional development activities for signs of academic integrity

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If possible, do you plan to attend every class of the school according to the scheduled dates?

Do you work in the department of infection control (IVC)?

If so, what is the occupation in VIK:

Areas of knowledge you possess:

Skills and abilities you possess:

Implementation of surveillance for IPNMD (routine, sentinel). Indicate under which nosologies (if surveillance was implemented)

Implementation of standard measures. Indicate exactly what measures you implemented in the health center (if any)

Implementation of preventive measures according to the ways of infection. Indicate exactly what measures you implemented in the health center (if any)

Implementation of a complex of prevention measures of the KAIK, KAISVSH, IOHV, VAP. Indicate exactly what measures you implemented in the health center (if any)

Implementation of integrated trainings on PIIK activities to other educational programs. Indicate the measures that were integrated and to which programs (if there were such measures)

What is your greatest success in implementing PIIC measures? (list exactly which activities and for what period)

Indicate arbitrarily in writing the information regarding your personal interest in participating in the infection control school, your expectations from the school and the institution (institutions) where you plan to implement the acquired knowledge in practice